MapDisto change log

MapDisto changes

Only applies to MapDisto for Apple OS X operating system (running within Excel 2011)

New features
* Feature: New “Convert VCF to data” feature in the ‘Data’ window
This is allowed by a new Java module by Chris Heffelfinger (S. Dellaporta’s lab, Yale University), that allows to import VCF files from Genotyping-by-Sequencing experiments into MapDisto from the ‘Data’ window. The Java program prepares a Mapmaker/EXP .raw compatible file that can be imported back in MapDisto unsung the ‘Impor…’ command in the ‘Data’ window.
Note: The MapDisto.jar .vcf file has to be in the running copy of MapDisto.
Note: You will need to install the Java JKD installed (In a near future use of the standard Java RTE will eliminate this)

* Feature: New “Export data to R/qtl” feature in the ‘Data’ window.
* Feature: New “Prepare imputation in /qtl” feature in the ‘Data’ window (uses the argmax R/qtl command).
This prepares a .Rmd file that can be run from within RStudio
Note: You will need to install RStudio, R and the R/qtl package.

* Feature: New “Drop locus summary” feature in Drop locus window.
* Feature: New “Create summary” feature in Framework map window.

* Improvement: Handles more than loci 32,768 (changed all Integer variable types to Long).
* Improvement: Much faster “Remove locus” command in the Main window.

Bug fixes
* bug: “Bad population type” message while importing MMK file fixed.
* bug: “Detailed map”, “Write Map”, “Drop locus” now better clear previous results
* bug: More than 5,000 loci are now allowed in Color Genotypes

Yet to do
* It is critical to identify error candidates that are flanked by missing data. R/qtl argmax can be used as a workaround but it would be good to be able to have a similar feature in MapDisto.

* Import R/qtl argmax.csv data (although is is easy to open/copy/paste a .csv file in Excel).

* Apply all changes to the MS Windows versions for Excel 2010 & 2013. This will take time…

Notes: This version starts from the MapDisto (XL2011).xlsb version (unreleased)

1.7.x versions: (XL 2011 only)
Singleton treatment for F2s (XL 2011 only)
* p(F-test) now computed without copy/paste
* NOVA now reads loci numbers in Array instead of sheet (XL 2011 only)
* Added function of XL2004 version to plot phen vs gen in F2s (sheet just after the ANOVA1F2 sheet)
Sub: Plot_Phenotypic_Values_Vs_Genotype()
* Added a navigation menu to the "QTL" menu in the Toolbar.
* Fixed bug in copy/replace sequence from ripple (or from check inversions) that limited number of loci to copy to 250
* Compute squared matrices: Integer treatment for F2s
* Some slight optimization for BC1 (Excel 2007, 2010 & 2011)
* Big datasets
Changed several matrix formats resulting in much lower RAM consumption.
* Much faster 2-point computation

v. (Excel 2011 only)
* Spread some DoEvents in the code

v. (Excel 2011 only)
* Modified the 'Used these data' and 'Load data' commands (changed "Copy/paste" that was causing very long waitings to "load-data-in-array-then-write-in-sheet")

v. (Nov 1, 2011)
* Corrected a small bug in all versions that forced drawing of all LGs after running the Draw mapmaker map command.

v. 1.7.5 (Oct 31, 2011)
* MapDisto goes to version 1.7.5 final for Excel 2003, 2007 (Windows), Excel 2004 and 2011 (Mac OS X).
* New version for Excel 2010, which is virtually the same as for Excel 2007 except for some small changes in drawing maps.

Change log (beta) for a review of changes since version 1.7.0.

v. 1.7 (October 25, 2007) - changes since v. 1.6:

* Feature: Compute stats in Color genotypes provides basic statistics on the allelic content of each genotype.
* Feature: "Data fit sequences" command will remove all the loci that are not present in the declared sequences from the Data window. Moreover, the loci will be re-numbered from 1 to l, if there are l loci declared. Also, the loci will be re-ordered in the Data window according to the order their appear in the declared sequences.
* Feature: Two new algorithms for marker ordering were implemented:
    * the Unidirectional Growth (Tan and Fu, Genetics 173: 2383–2390 - August 2006)
    * an improved version of the Branch & Bound algorithm, that seems to outperform the Unidirectional Growth and the seriation algorithms. (The seriation method was the first one implemented in MapDisto.) This new algorithm was tested on both simulated and real data and is very promising.
* Feature: A powerful method to improve the marker order found with one of the three algorithms available, called "Check inversions". The command will repeat the inversion procedure on all linkage group until their order is stable.
* Feature: An automatic implementation of the Ripple command, called "AutoRipple", to easily run the Ripple command on all linkage groups. The command will repeat the Ripple command until it finds the best order.
* Feature: A procedure to iteratively correct the data errors (inspired by the SMOOTH algorithm, van OS et al, Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112:187-194 - 2005). This procedure is still under testing and it should not be used for publication purpose.
* Feature: A "Three point" command, that allows to check the LOD scores for all the three-point orders of a given sequence.
* Feature: A command to remove the loci that are not assigned to a sequence. This command will also re-order the loci within the data file according to their location in the sequences.
* Feature: Color genotypes, to easily visualize and/or replace/remove the double recombinations, the candidate erroneous data points and the missing data.
* Feature: In "Options", one can uncheck the "Ripple is progressive" checkbox to get an output more similar to that of Mapmaker/EXP.
* Feature: Added the COUNT criteria for the Seriation algorithm (van OS et al, Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112:30-40 - 2005).
* Feature: Added a modified version of the CorrSum criteria for the Seriation algorithm (inspired by the criteria used in the Macintosh version of Mapmaker).
    The CorrSum is (1 - r) (1 - EXP(-LOD)), where LOD is a normalized LOD score.
    LOD = LODscore * (N / n), where n is the number of informative meioses for the pair of loci considered, and N is the total number of individuals in the population.
* Feature: A tool to graphically compare two linkage maps. The maps to be compared can easily be imported from the Main menu, Framework map, Extracted map and Simulations windows. One can also import a map from a text file, provided that it is in the standard MapDisto format.
* Feature: A new recombination fraction estimate for SSD populations, based on the paper of Martin and Hospital (Genetics 173:451-459 - May 2006)
* Feature: New simulation tool.
* Feature: Option to export map and data for QTL Cartographer (not WinQTLCart, which is already available as an option).
* Feature: Maps and populations (BC1s and F2s) simulation tool.

* Improvement: The Color genotypes command is a two times faster (but still slow).
* Improvement: Better display of QTLs when using the Draw QTLs command. The legend in Draw QTLs is now clickable for fast display of the QTLs for a particular trait.
* Improvement: Some minor interface improvements.
* Improvement: In Color genotypes, the Load data command now works independently from the Framework map.
* Improvement: Importing .out Mapmaker/EXP files now works with error detection set to on or off.
* Improvement: improved the way of computing the probability of error candidates for BC1, DH, SSD and HRILx populations. F2 populations still not supported.
* Improvement: In Color genotypes, changed "Count double recombinants" to "Count error candidates".
* Improvement: Changed the way to manage error threshold in the Iterative error detection procedure and in all the Color genotype-related commands: the new threshold is now equal to (1 - old threshold).
* Improvement: Some minor interface improvements.
* Improvement: More Color Genotypes options.
* Improvement: All the criteria are now available for the Branch & Bound II algorithm.
* Improvement: The CorrSum criteria was renamed as SA Corr (Sum of Adjacent Correlations) in the Options dialog box. Moreover, one can now choose to use the original Correlation (the one used in the Macintosh version of Mapmaker).
    The Correlation is (1 - r) (1 - EXP(-LOD)), where LOD is the true LOD score.
This option is activated when the check box "Use normalized LODs" is unchecked.
* Improvement: The Branch & Bound II algorithm now works recursively and will stop only when it finds the best order according to the given criteria.
* Improvement: More simulation options (missing data, data errors, F2 and SSD populations).
* Improvement: Pre-computing of RF matrices for ordering loci is now 2 times faster
* Improvement: Much faster execution of the BatchMap command (up to 4 times).
* Improvement: More simulation options.
* Improvement: Minor improvements.
* Improvement: Better importation of Mapmaker/EXP data files.
* Improvement: Simulation tool improved, with much faster AutoBatchMap and BatchMap commands. More genotypes (up to 508) allowed for BatchMap. Segregation distortion loci implemented (Backcross populations only). More comments. Option for generating semi-random marker positions. New command to display a histogram of the map sizes obtained.
* Improvement: the Import data command was re-written. It is now faster and more reliable. Also, it allows to import Mapmaker data that are not of the original format, ie, using symbols for genotypes others than A, B, C, D, H and -.
* Improvement: The main menu window interface was modified to allow locus numbers > 999 to be displayed correctly.
* Improvement: some minor things.
* Improvement: Added the two point and three point commands in the exported run file for Mapmaker/EXP when the Ripple command is included.
* Improvement: minor improvements.

* Bug fix: The Store data command was storing only the first 256 columns (version for Excel 2007 only).
* Bug fix: Some commands in Color genotypes were generating an error in case of having three (or more) co-segregating markers.
* Bug fix: Corrected a bug of double recombinant counting and display in Color genotypes.
* Bug fix: Some minor fixes.
* Bug fix: There was sometimes an error while importing .out Mapmaker/EXP files.
* Bug fix: The Replace order command was sometimes generating an error.
* Bug fix: Fixed some minor bugs introduced in the 1.7 beta version.
* Bug fix: The program was generating an error on the Mac OS X platform.
* Bug fixes: Many...
* Bug fix: Several minor bug fixes.
* Bug fix: A bug could occur when using the Read data command (with loci displayed in rows) with more than 254 genotypes.
* Bug fix: The Clear data command was crashing on Mac OS X.

* Interface: The "Option" dialog box was slightly re-organized.
* Interface: The main menu was re-organized.

v. 1.6 (October 11, 2006) - changes since v. 1.5:

* Feature: Added a SAD (Sum of Adjacent Distances) criteria for ordering, that corresponds to the old SARF. Note that using this criteria with sequences made of a mixture of loosely and tightly linked loci may not be a good idea, and that results may vary according to the mapping function selected (Haldane or Kosambi).
* Feature: Added an option to choose the space between linkage groups in "Draw all sequences" or "Draw pre-computed map" command.
* Feature: Bootstrap and Monte Carlo procedures to estimate and verify a sequence order. One can run both procedures using the command "Bootstrap order". To choose the Bootstrap procedure only, don't check the "Reshuffle initial order" check box when you are prompted for Bootstap parameters. To choose the Monte Carlo procedure only,  check the "Reshuffle initial order" check box and enter the value "100" in the field "Subsample size". To perform a combined test (Bootstrap + Monte Carlo at the same time), check the "Reshuffle initial order" check box and choose a value of Subsample size inferior to 100 (e.g., 95).
* Feature: Command "Show assignments" to display the assignments (or non assignments) to the declared sequences of all the loci declared in the Data window.
* Feature: Command to add the sequences of the current Framework map to the My Sequences field of the Main Menu window.
* Feature: Command to check for availability of new versions.
* Feature: Command to find the closest locus to a given locus ("Place locus...".
* Feature: Command to open saved linkage group sequences.
* Feature: Command to save current linkage group sequences.
* Feature: Command to show a graphical display of the extracted map from a database.
* Feature: Commands to open, save, import and draw the current framework map.
* Feature: Define a computed map as framework map.
* Feature: Drop locus. Useful to test the effect of removing loci one by one from a linkage group. Allows to quickly identify problematic markers. Similar to the Drop marker command of Mapmaker for Macintosh version 2.0. Note: a Perl script (written by Jean-François Rami) that adds this function to Mapmaker 3.0/EXP is available upon request from the Author.
* Feature: Exportation of Mapmaker/EXP .in file that can be launched within Mapmaker/EXP with the 'run' command.
* Feature: Extract marker positions from a personal database (a format is provided).
* Feature: F2 populations are now partially handled.
* Feature: If a new version is found at startup or as a result of the "Check version" command, a list of the last changes is downloaded and displayed.
* Feature: Importation of Mapmaker/EXP sequences (representing linkage groups).
* Feature: Importation of Mapmaker/EXP standard data files.
* Feature: Modified the SARF criteria. The SARF now really corresponds to the Sum of Adjacent Recombination Fractions (it was formerly corresponding to the SAD, or Sum of Adjacent Distances in centimorgans). The new SARF is more reliable than the old one (= SAD) when ordering a sequence made of a mixture of loosely and tightly linked loci.
* Feature: Partial handling for IRIL (Intermated recombinant inbred lines) populations.
* Feature: The Drop locus command now handles for F2 populations (codominant loci only).

* Improvement: "AutoOrder" will flip any sequence that starts with a locus number higher than the locus number it ends with.
* Improvement: "Draw QTLs" now can display marker names (Warning: QTLs with negative additivity are not displayed on the left of the chromosomes if this option is chosen).
* Improvement: "Options summary" in the Main Menu window is now displayed properly.
* Improvement: "Place locus" applied to F2 populations.
* Improvement: "Place locus" now shows the two closest markers instead of just the closest one.
* Improvement: "Sort map" in "Extract map from DB" has more output types.
* Improvement: Added 5 "Synonyms" columns in the marker database format.
* Improvement: Added a "Clear map" command in the pre-computed map window.
* Improvement: Added a button to directly access to Stored data in the Navigation Toolbar.
* Improvement: Added comments to the options cells in the ANOVA output windows.
* Improvement: Added the Bootstrap and Dop locus commands in the Commands toolbar.
* Improvement: Autofilter in the Show assignments window.
* Improvement: better behavior of stored data browsing.
* Improvement: Better behavior of the "Full screen" button.
* Improvement: better handling of data storage.
* Improvement: Better handling of the Quit command (Thanks to Jean François Rami, the VBA killer hacker).
* Improvement: better handling of Toolbars in case of several copies of MapDisto open at the same time.
* Improvement: Better handling of typing errors in the data files.
* Improvement: Disabled the automatic check for update at startup. Instead, the user can click on the "Check updates" button in the About window.
* Improvement: Displays an alert when importing a Mapmaker/EXP data file with wrong format.
* Improvement: Drawing maps is slightly faster (and nicer I hope).
* Improvement: Faster data export for WinQTLCartographer.
* Improvement: Faster display of Help section in Excel 2004 (Mac OS X).
* Improvement: In the ".in" file generated by "Export map..." with the Options set to export for Mapmaker/EXP, the mapping function follows the one chosen in Options.
* Improvement: in the Options dialog box, the "Options for r custom" are activated only if the "Custom" radio button is selected.
* Improvement: in the Options dialog box, the radio box "Use absolute distances" is  activated only if the "GraphGenot" radio button is selected.
* Improvement: It is now possible to work with up to 1,000 sequences.
* Improvement: It's now possible to import Mapmaker/EXP data files that have up to 504 individuals. Works with Excel X and 2004 for Mac OS X, and Excel 2003 for Windows. Should work with Excel XP (2002). With Excel 2000, only the marker data are imported properly, QTL data are cut.
* Improvement: Many computations are faster (up to 2 times) (Except for F2 populations).
* Improvement: Many computations are faster (up to 2 times) for F2 populations.
* Improvement: More advanced saving of graphical maps & QTLs.
* Improvement: Several minor interface modifications.
* Improvement: Small interface improvements.
* Improvement: The "Open" and "Save" sequences now handle for sequence names (previously save sequences are not compatible with this new version).
* Improvement: The exported map and data files for WinQTLCart, QGene and MapQTL are now saved in the folder than contains the running MapDisto copy.
* Improvement: The LOD min and r max values in the "Options" dialog box are now taken as default values in the "Find groups" command.
* Improvement: The user is now prompted to choose the source/destination folder in the Importation/Exportation procedures.
* Improvement: Updated Help.
* Improvement: Updated the Help section.
* Other minor improvements.

* Bug fix: "Check update" was sometimes generating an error on Windows platform.
* Bug fix: "Compute tables" now displays correctly the two-point LOD score values for F2 populations.
* Bug fix: "Draw QTLs" now works properly for F2 populations.
* Bug fix: "Find groups" could be wrong when R.F. was > 0.5.
* Bug fix: "Find groups" was not taking the "r max" parameter into account, due to an Excel bug (in the VBA compiler?). I found a way to overcome the problem, but Microsoft is welcomed to fix the following [serious] issue:
    The condition "a <= b" is not equivalent in VBA to the condition "a - b <= 0".
* Bug fix: "Place Locus" was working improperly in some cases.
* Bug fix: "Store data" now stores quantitative trait(s) data.
* Bug fix: Additional fix for the Cancel issue in Automap.
* Bug fix: Click on Cancel in the Automap and AutoOrder commands was problematic.
* Bug fix: Click on Cancel in the Boostrap command no longer clears the Bootstrap results window.
* Bug fix: Corrected small bug in data export for Mapmaker/EXP 3.0.
* Bug fix: Dragging a complete sequence to the right no longer generates loss of the last loci in the sequence.
* Bug fix: Drawing QTLs wasn't displaying a QTL linked to the first locus of a linkage group.
* Bug fix: Drawing QTLs with a single linkage group works faster and doesn't draw extra lines.
* Bug fix: Fixed a bug in the Remove Toolbars command in the Troubleshooting section of the Help.
* Bug fix: Fixed a small bug in the sorting process on an extracted map.
* Bug fix: In "Import sequences", the current sequences could be erased in some cases.
* Bug fix: in "Segregation chi2" and "QTL/ANOVA1" commands, the genotypic classes are now displayed correctly.
* Bug fix: In 'Find groups", the "Use all loci" option was disabled in some cases.
* Bug fix: In 'Find groups', the last marker was omitted if the command was ran for any other sequence than 'All loci'. Fixed.
* Bug fix: In some very rare cases, the F-test associated probability computation was  generating an error 2036.
* Bug fix: In the Detailed map command, the computation of the LOD score statistic was false for all population types except F2s.
* Bug fix: The Delete results command now completely erases the ANOVA window.
* Some other small bug fixes.

* Misc.: Corrected inappropriate text in an Export dialog box.
* Misc.: reorganized internal code.
* Misc.: the option to work with loci names was deactivated, until I find a way to display the results in a legible way.

v. 1.5 (October 11, 2006) - changes since v. 1.4:

* Feature: Draw QTLs on the graphical map (One trait analysis).
* Feature: Draw QTLs on the graphical map (All traits analysis).

* Improvement: Faster and more accurate map drawing, especially on Windows systems.
* Improvement: the 'Draw all sequences" commmand now behaves exactly as the 'Draw map' command.
* Improvement: It's now possible to define the maximum distance for linkage groups searching as a distance in centimorgans.
* Improvement: Slight interface modification for data management.
* Improvement: It is now possible to rename the MapDisto file (e.g. to append the name of a mapping project), thus to have several copies open at the same time.
* Improvement: Slight improvement in QTL drawing.

* Bug fix: under some conditions, 'Auto Order' was erasing the working sequences. Fixed.

v. 1.4 (October 11, 2006) - changes since v. 1.0:

* Feature: Export data and map for WinQTLCartographer 2.5 and higher (Excel format).
* Feature: Better export for QGene. Now its automatically exports the map and the data files as text files, ready to use in QGene.
* Feature: Added warning message for the "Export map" command that reminds the user that the "Write map" has to be ran first before exporting a map.

* Improvement: "Export Map" no longer needs to run "Write map" before. Export for MapQTL and QGene has been modernized.

* Bug fix: "Find Groups" didn't compute again the recombination fraction matrix when the data were read again.
* Bug fix: "Export data as .raw" for Mapmaker was not working properly when there was missing data in quantitative traits.
* Bug fix: "Object required" message while exporting a map for MapQTL and GraphGenot.
* Bug fix: Fixed two small bugs in the dialog boxes for choosing the sequences.

* Correction: assignation of the geneotypic classes to a, b, c and d classes was corrected in this Help/Data analysis menu (thanks to Peter Wehling).

* Misc.: The option to choose the font for marker labels and distances in 'Options' is now functional.

* Accelerated ANOVA1 command.
* modernized the dialogboxes for choosing sequences and traits.

* fixed a small bug in the Options values that was affecting the DrawMap command.
* improved the Use these Data command.

* fixed a small bug in ANOVA display.

* new user-friendly interface for options.

* Accelerated execution of the following commands: Draw map, Draw all sequences, Draw pre-computed map, Compute tables, Find Groups, Segregation c2, Detailed map, Order sequence, Ripple order.
* Added a Data+ sheet that allows to handle for up to 508 markers or loci.
* Now you can assign names to the sequeces you are working with.
* Likelihoods of orders are computed and may be used as a criteria for ordering loci (based on two point estimates; may deviate significantly from multipoint likelihoods).
* Added a command for cleaning the current working sequences.
* Many bug fixes.

* You can now store more than one data set. When you are in the 'Data' window, use 'Store data' command to store your current data in a new sheet. You can navigate in the different data sheets you have generated using the left and right arrows.
* Small bug fixes.
* Minor interface changes. Parameters for data have now to be entered in the 'Data' Window.
* Minor interface changes. Parameters for data have now to be entered in the 'Data' Window.

Three new functions:.
* AutoOrder: Automatically orders and computes all declared sequences.
* Draw all sequences: Automatically draws all declared sequences.
* AutoMap: Automatically finds linkage groups, orders, computes and draws all linkage groups.

* Color mapping! Enjoy having loci of different colors according to their names. See 'Draw Pre-Computed Map' paragraph in 'Data Analysis' section of this help.
* 'Draw Pre-Computed Map' displays better Absolute distances.
* You can now choose the font size in the 'Draw Map' and 'Draw Pre-Computed Map' commands (in "Options" window).
* Added a 'Replace Order' command in output windows of 'Ripple', 'Compare all orders, and 'Order' commands. This command will replace the current sequence by the output sequence instead of adding the output sequence after all listed sequences in the main menu.
* Added an option for better display in MacOS and Windows. See 'Options' in the Commands window.
* Minor changes in the 'Quit' command (thanks to Jean François Rami).
* Work progress is now displayed in the Status Bar (better compatibility with MacOS X platform).
* Other cosmetic interface changes.

* Finalized the function for ordering sequences.
*Added a function for verifying local orders ('Ripple order').
*Added a function to reverse a given sequence, eg sequence 1 2 3 4 is changed to sequence 4 3 2 1 ('Reverse order').
*Re-organized the Main Menu window for a better interface.
*Renamed commands: 'Order' changed to 'Order sequence'; 'Compare' changed to 'Compare all orders'.

* Added an option for exporting a writed map for MapDisto (that is, for MapDisto) in order to facilitate the drawing of the maps of all sequences at the same time.
* Added a 'Quit' button which makes easier to work with several copies of MapDisto (in different folders or directories) in removing the 'Toolbars' problem (see section 'Problems').

* Added support for large linkage groups in 'Find Groups' command.

* Corrected a bug introduced in v. leading to false linkage groups in 'Find Groups' command.

* New option for exporting RFs tables in a text file in 'Compute tables' command  (useful for sequences with more than 254 loci).

* New 'Export data' command for exporting your data as a Mapmaker-compatible .raw text file.

• 'Find Groups' now works for all sequences, ie. you can search for linkage groups in a declared sequence (it was previously limited to sequence 99, ie. all loci). It no longer finds linkage groups with zero loci. The 'Copy sequences' no longer copies empty groups.

• Corrected a small bug in LOD score computation under very rare situations.
• Fixed errors in work progress displays.

New functions:.
* New  'Compare' and 'Order' commands for ordering loci. Attention: the 'Order' command is not finalized, and is just provided for having a preview of the final function.
* New 'QTL/ANOVA1' command for finding QTLs.

Major improvements:.
* Now handles for SSD and DH populations.
* New command for drawing maps computed by other software.
* More options for drawing maps. Maps are cleaner.

Minor improvements:.
* Data can now be arranged with loci and traits in rows or columns.
* Data no longer need to be numerical values only.
* You can now export maps for MapQTL.
* You can now enter up to 97 different sequences.
* Buttons for copying sequences from 'Find Groups', 'Compare' and 'Order' commands in 'Your sequences'.

Many bug fixes.

Interface improvement (I hope).

* Temporarily removed bugged option for finding linkage groups from other sequences than the sequence made by all loci.
* Added an 'Options' window which removes some borrowing dialog boxes.
* In 'Draw map', declaring a wrong sequence number no longer generates an error.
* Corrected a small bug causing an incorrect drawing of the first locus of a map.
* Added a function for drawing genetic maps ('draw map').
* Added a field for defining a default sequence to test.
* The 'Cancel' buttons are now functional.
* Added indication of progress of computations and writing operations in the main menu.
* Added a 'version history' field in the 'Help' menu.
* Added a 'Problems' field in the 'Help' menu.
* Added two Excel command bars which replace the navigation menu and which give the different commands always available.
* Added a navigation menu.