More on large datasets

MapDisto 1.7.6 is here, available for Excel 2007, 2010 and 2011.

So this is how new version 1.7.6 compares with previous 1.7.5 in terms of maximum number of loci handled:

* On Windows XP (3 Gb of RAM), Excel 2010 32 bits:
MapDisto 1.7.5: around 3,225 loci
MapDisto 1.7.6: around 8,870 loci

* On Windows 7 64 bits (16 Gb of RAM), Excel 2010 64 bits:
MapDisto 1.7.5: around 6,000 loci
MapDisto 1.7.6: 32,760 loci (limitation of Integer data type)

* On OS X 10.7.5 (8 Gb of RAM), Excel 2011 32 bits:
MapDisto 1.7.5: around 6,000 loci
MapDisto 1.7.6: around 16,000 loci